Weddings & Celebrations abroad. Romantic chateaux and prestigious vineyards of the Loire Valley, France and special venues worldwide.


You are wondering how to capitalise on the amazing energy of your wedding or elopement, at a personal and at the couple level, with preparations and post event's routines. If so, Energy Positive Stockholm is here to do make this happen. In-person and distance sessions, programs and retreats are available to you personally, as a couple, with the bridal party and your close family. And how about a very special ?! 

Book your Reiki, Coaching/Mentoring and Retreat via Facebook to experience a long-lasting positive lifestyle that brings you where YOU want to go.

We guarantee that you will love it! But don’t take our word for it, French, Swedish and English speaking clients have been amazed by the ease of implementing the steps and the extraordinary results in their life, inside out.

Bonus! Take away written clear program that will keep you going nurturing the positivity and energetic work you have done during your sessions.

We are always here for you. Instagram, Microsoft Teams , WhatsApp +46 7070 220 529. Book here.


You are enough!

Your life is perfect as it is.

Be grateful your life brought you where you are today, ready to move on to the next step to reach your next goals.

If not already done, forgive yourself and others, be thankful for what they have brought you (positive as well as the one that feel negative).

Now, watch the magic happen and enjoy the journey of meeting your favourite self.

Pick the program that suits best your goals, or a mix of all, this work fantastically too.


Relationships, Education, Health, Wealth, Weight, Work, Quality of life, Recovering from mental or physical plains, Speedup personal or professional development process, and much more. All parts of your life follow the same principles as on when and how they are formed to how to unformed and reshape them to how you want your life to be.

So, do you know what you want? If you do not, this is where to start. We know how to help you unveil and achieve your boldest dreams. Then the following steps are about practising and implementing. We rehearse together during the retreats and coaching/mentoring session!


You are at a turning point of your personal or professional life.

You are stuck in the middle.

You need momentum to continue climbing your ladder.

You are an entrepreneur and could do with some physical and mental support.

You sense a breakthrough and need this extra push.

You simply want to physically feel the best of yourself, pain-free, beautiful, and full of energy.

Many good reasons to get into one of our full programs that target right where you need it, and why not all of them so that you get all benefits.

Reiki and Emotional Freedom Teachnic (EFT - Tapping)

We kick-off your journey of becoming and living the reality of your favourite self with an energy boost. Energy is smart and knows where your mind and body needs it the most, in giving you energy, you set your mind and body into the right mindset to get started with bringing to life your favourite version of yourself.

The power is unfathomable, immeasurable, and being a universal life force, it is incomprehensible to man.” Hawayo Takata translated Reiki in her classes as “Universal Life Energy” or “God Power.”

Each full treatment session lasts 60 minutes during which you receive the Reiki healing energy through your practitioner. The ritual of a cup of tea (complimentary), before and after the session, gives you and your practitioner the necessary moment to share your current state of mind and body. This is a necessary routine for your practitioner to know where to focus the energy during your Reiki session as well as provide you with the next step.

Your practitioners are trained and certified Master and Practitioner Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. Cécile Dubois is French, speaks French and English and is Master Reiki since 1996. Melinda E. Bardin is French and Swedish, trained, and certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki practitioner since 2002, with Master Reiki Philippe Leroux located in Paris, France. Energy Positive Stockholm is registered at the Swedish Association of Reiki, more about Reiki and the Swedish association here Reiki Förbundet Sverige (Reiki Association Sweden).


Beware! These retreats will release all that you want to get rid of and will get in all what you need for your beautiful journey toward your forever after favourite self.

Are you ready for meeting the best version of yourself?!

During the retreats, not only your super coach/mentor is here to guide you and support you, the forest too is here to support you; and you can trust the forest for giving you its most valuable nutrients that will make you feel on top of the world to tackle your duties, a strong feeling that last long. Same as with the energy Reiki, Shinrin-Yoku knows where and what you need most to support with for you to reach your goals.

Retreat with fasting

Free up of your agenda for a minimum of 5 days, though we suggest 7 days so that you experience all biochemistry stages in your body, maximum 10 days. Long-distance retreat such as in Costa Riva, your retreat can last up to 20 days. Our retreats are thoroughly planned to bring you where you want to go and are developed around a program that includes Yoga, Journaling, Affirmations, Gratitude, Conversations, Notions of neuroscience (PNL, biochemistry, neuroplasticity, epigenetic,…) as well as energy resources (Reiki, Shinrin-Yoku, Breathing exercises, Guided/Unguided Meditations, ….), and always Practices and Rehearsals are included.

Which fasting for you? Click here.

Retreat without fasting

Free up from one full day of 8 hours + 1-hour lunch, up to 20 days.


You know you get it, you feel you are there you have always wanted to be, now you want to make sure that you get the right support to continue the good work of implementing the steps until it becomes your new identity.

Regular mentoring catch-up calls and meetings or more structured coaching sessions are what you need.

You belong to the network of Energy Positive Stockholm members, any setbacks, energy decrease are taken off.

Your personal coach and mentor are with you from start to finish. During unique, monthly, and annual sessions, together you create structured plans, your coach supports you when you need it.

Your multidisciplinary mentor/coach borrows from the proven scientific and spiritual disciplines to support you in your personal and professional development.


Can I get at-home/at-the-office services?

Coaching/mentoring and Reiki sessions can take place at the address of your practitioner or at the address of your choice. Transport fees apply, you are also welcome to pre-book a taxi for your coach/mentor and/or your Reiki practitioner. The later will need a taxi with enough space for a foldable massage table of 14kg Length 92cm, width 62 cm. For taxi booked by the client the address of the practitioner and/or coach is provided at booking time leaving you with time to arrange the pick-up time adjusted to the pick-up address/session start time.

How do I know if I can go for long fasting?

We require that you meet your GDP to check if you are in any of the risk groups such as diabetic, heart disease, pregnant and other conditions that your GDP could see as a risk.

Payment methods

All payment can be made via bankgiro 721-7482 (only for the local payments) and via IBAN for all origination.

Invoices are provided with full name and address of the client.


We look forward to continuing the journey toward reaching your favourite self, generate wealth, happiness, love and positivity together with you.

Tagged: Body & Soul retraits,Bridal preparations
Posted: Friday, September 4th, 2020


October 16, 2014
Loire Valley wines map

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